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Want to speed up lab productivity? Need to accelerate your DNA testing process? Could end-to-end solutions simplify your workflow?
Browse our portfolio for DNA test solutions to streamline your genetic testing.
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Sudden cardiac death risk assessment

Heredity is a major factor in sudden cardiac death. About 70 percent of sudden deaths in people younger than 35 carry the…

ApoE genetic testing

The ApoE gene encodes apolipoprotein E (ApoE),which is a lipoprotein and clearance protein that exists in both serum and …

Tumor susceptibility risk assessment

Malignant tumors are also called cancers. Cancer is not terrible, if cancer can be early detected, the 5-year survival ra…

TP53 tumor suppressor gene detection

TP53 gene is the gene with the highest correlation with human tumors that has been discovered so far.

Weight loss genetic testing

According to the relationship between genes and obesity classification, scientific methods are used to find out each pers…

Alcohol metabolism

The way alcohol is metabolized in the body. Studies have shown that peoples different manifestations of alcohol tolerance…

Folic acid metabolism

It takes at least 12 weeks to reach an effective concentration of folic acid level in the mothers body, so it is usually …